We love to go hiking and camping with our campervan.
Sunset @ Balatonszemes
The most important asset of any company is their people. With a great team, there are no limits on what we can achieve. Great leaders build high-performing, resilient teams that remain focused and engaged even through challenging times.
Through my 15+ years of career as a people manager and leader, I've built and led successful, high-performing teams in challenging business and organizational environments and delivered tremendous business value - even when no one believed it was possible.
I've spent most of my time at early to late stage startups, building global scale cloud-based SaaS services and applications. In the past few years, I've been enjoying the perks of Google and learning everything there is to know about Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) - right from the source.
I'm based in Munich, Germany.
Here are some of the things that keep me busy outside of work.
We love to go hiking and camping with our campervan.
Sunset @ Balatonszemes
I'm a classically trained guitar player but my heart is with blues and rock. My dreams of becoming a rockstar are long gone, but my passion remains.
My Gibson LP Special 2021 in TV Yellow
I've recently designed and built a portable headset mixer I use for my Zoom guitar class. I also play a lot with the Arduino and ESP platforms.
The Headset-Aux Mixer
Making music with others is magical. Creating this series of videos with our cover band, the Uncaught Exceptions through the pandemic was also therapeutic. I learned so much about video and audio production in the process!
Need I say more? 3D printing opens up new worlds and is an endless source of fun... and frustration when things don't work as expected. Trial and error is your friend!
Even more fun is when you design something yourself. These days I'm particularly obsessed with "print in place" models. I designed this simple articulated necklace for my wife to wear - she was thrilled!
Articulated "Print-In-Place" Necklace
Brainfuck is an esoteric language that is notoriously difficult to program in. Some years ago, I programmed a solution to the "9 digit problem".
A brainfuck program
You have a question about my projects?
You have an open position or other opportunity that you would like to discuss?
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